James Gullberg A Portfolio Showcase


Beam Profile Monitor Actuator, 2024


Made to allow remote control of a beam profile monitor in a Tandetron proton accelerator safely from the control room. Uses an air cylinder for actuation and comunicates to the control box with ESP32s over a local network.

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Cold Trap, 2024


Designed to be in an ultra high vacuum chamber with the samples when they are being irradiated, the cold plate surface temperature reaches -25 degrees celcius to condense any vapors to prevent contamination. This was a modification from a previous underperforming design, that was converted at a low cost with minimal new parts, a 10 to 15 degree reduction in temperature was observed.

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Night Fury - VTOL Aircraft, 2024

Queens Aerospace

Together with a team, we created a fully carbon fiber VTOL aircraft with a 3m wingspan to compete in the Aerial Evolution Assosiation of Canada Student Compitition. My contributions include the 3D printed molds for the carbon fiber skin, the tail and motor mounts, as well as many other small but important components.

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VexU Differential Swerve Drive Module, 2024

VEX Robotics

Made for the 2024 VEXU competition, this module was one of the first in VEX history and gave us a huge competitive edge. It was powered from standard VEX hardware and printed with carbon fiber nylon on a Markforged printer. It incorperated novel design solutions like ring gears with built in ball bearings and omni wheels that allows us to use it like a CVT. This year, our new module takes up 55% less volume in the robot, with improve reliability and durability.

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Nalo Mix Pro, 2023

Academic Project

This device can autonomusly dispense set amounts of water and naloxone hydrochloride into 5 test tubes on a rotating turntable with an auger system and pump.
Designed on SolidWorks and fabricated from 3D printed and laser cut acrylic parts.

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Differential Swerve Drive Module V1, 2023

Personal Project

Originally designed for a swerve drive couch, this module is powered by two large brushless motors, and incorperates a planetary gearbox inside the wheel. Designed in Onshape and printed in PLA, with several of the metal parts being off the shelf.

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Spring Launcher, 2023

Academic Project

Designed to accurately launch a spring at a certain angle and extension based off of kinematic equations to land on a predetermined target for a grade 12 physics project. Modeled in Onshape and fully 3D printed. Utilizing a lead screw and for angle adjustment and a sliding trigger carriage with a ratchet system to hold the spring in place before launch. A metal pin actuated with a button releases the spring.

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Ion Thruster, 2022

Academic Project

Was made to demonstrate the principles of an ion truster and showcase corona discharge for my grade 12 chemistry final project. The design was made with Onshape and included replaceable cathodes and an adjustable anode on a track that would allow me to experiment to find the best set up. It was powered off of 4 1.5 V AA batteries with an off the self transformer

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3D Printed DC Motor, 2021

Academic Project

A fully functinal DC motor that was created to demonstrate motor principles for a grade 11 physics project. My teacher liked it so much he gave me a 100% in the course for it.

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Nintendo Switch Apple Watch Charger, 2022

Etsy Product

This little stand was my best selling poduct on Etsy. The design went through about a dozen interation to optimize for consistant surface quality and ease of assembly.

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AirTag Pokeball Keychain, 2022

Etsy Product

This keychain was another great selling product. It snapped together and hid an apple airtag inside to prevent thefts of bags and backpacks.

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Adjustable iPad Stand, 2022

Etsy Product

This tablet stand intagrated a rack and pinion system with a knob on the bottom for a continously adjustable angle.

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Remote Control Airplane V3, 2022

Personal Project

The goal for this aircraft was really slow and stable flight. Added leading edge slats and permanently deployed flaps with 3D printed parts to increase the stall angle, allowing for diabolically slow speeds.

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Remote Control Airplane V2, 2021

Personal Project

The design goal for this airplane was to make it cheap and easy to construct and fly. Which is why I ditched the high speed ducted fan for a propeller and went for a more conventional and stable airframe design. This aircraft was constructed almost entirely out of foam board and reused all the electronics.

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Remote Control Flying Wing, 2019

Personal Project

The wings of this airplane were made from polystyrene foam cut with a homemade hot wire cutter and wooden dowels as spars. While the airframe was made up of 3mm and 6mm balsa wood sheets. It was propelled with a 75mm ducted fan and used mostly off the shelf electronic parts, except for a front FPV camera which was salvaged from a broken FPV quadcopter.

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3D Printed 6-Axis Arm, Work In Progress

Personal Project

Currently just cad drawings of a split-ring planetary gearbox for the sholder joint, but when completed it will be a nearly fully 3D printed arm renfoced with carbon fiber rods, running on brushless motors and Odrives.

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